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كارت صوت يونيفيرسال اوديو فولت 2 Universal Audio Volt 2 Portable 2×2 USB Type-C Audio/MIDI Interface

16.500,00 EGP

Vibe-rich tube-emulation circuitry, pristine pro-grade conversion, and an impressive bundle of music production software make the Universal Audio Volt 2 portable 2×2 audio interface a top-notch yet affordable win for quality-conscious collaborators, vocalists, musicians, and even content creators such as podcasters and livestreamers. Attractive, sturdy, and compact, this bus-powered USB Type-C interface is equally capable in a computer-based home studio or on the go with your iPad or iPhone.
Plug mics, guitars, or synths into the Volt 2’s two mic preamps and press the Vintage switches to impart the pleasing character of an emulated UA vintage 610 tube preamp to your voice or instrument. Direct monitoring lets you hear yourself with no distracting latency, and there are separate volume controls for the speaker and headphone outputs. Got a beat machine or keyboard controller? Connect them to the MIDI 5-pin ports on the rear panel to easily integrate them with your setup. Knowing the value of good tools, Universal Audio bundled the Volt 2 with versatile and creativity-inspiring software tailored for music makers. From the popular Ableton Live Lite DAW and UJAM virtual instruments, to guitar/bass amp simulations, Melodyne pitch correction and high-end processors for mixing and mastering, there’s a bit of everything to help you transform ideas into polished productions.
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