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مايك كوندينسر sE Electronics sE2300 Large-diaphragm Condenser Microphone

sE Electronics sE2300 Large-diaphragm Condenser Microphone

The sE2300 is the latest multi-pattern version of the award-winning 2200 condenser microphone that put sE Electronics on the map many years ago with its smooth, polished sound for vocals, voiceovers, and numerous instrumental applications. The cardioid version grew famous through use with world-class vocal artists like Amy Winehouse, and this multi-pattern version only increases its versatility, enhancing its usefulness for any instrument and reviving the spirit of the world’s most classic studio microphones.

Given the revered status of its predecessors, sE has remained true to the original capsule design, custom-built transformer and class-A circuit topologies, so it’s still the same condenser microphone loved by a whole generation of engineers.

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هدفنا: الثقة – التميز – الأبداع – العمل علي راحة العميل



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