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M-Audio Oxygen Pro Mini – 32 Key USB MIDI Keyboard

8.750,00 EGP

M Audio have added another range of MIDI keyboard controllers to their arsenal. Available in four sizes, the Oxygen Pro keys feature new intelligent controls, auto-mapping functionality and an integrated arpeggiator. In addition, a large SW bundle is included in the form of MPC Beats, Ableton Lite Lite, Pro Tools first and more.

M-Audio, a brand synonymous with innovative music production technology, has introduced a brand new line of keyboard controllers, Oxygen Pro. These new keyboard controllers are designed for music producers around the world who want professional features, maximum control over their virtual instruments and the ability to play with pinpoint accuracy on a fun and easy-to-use controller. M-Audio Oxygen Pro controllers are the ultimate tools for live performance and studio needs, allowing you to focus solely on your music making – not on complex programming.

Oxygen Pro Mini is USB-powered and features an OLED display, Smart Chord and Smart Scale technologies, auto-mapping, an integrated arpeggiator, and a tone repeat function – essential features and functions in today’s modern music production. In a more compact design, Oxygen Pro Mini includes 32 semi-weighted mini keys with aftertouch, 8 dynamically responsive Pads with RGB backlighting, four assignable faders, four assignable controllers. The rear panel includes a MIDI output, USB port and Sustain pedal input.

Based on the traditionally innovative practices and playability of M-Audio products, Oxygen Pro Mini automatically maps with popular DAWs such as MPC Beats, Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Studio One, and Steinberg Cubase. The Oxygen series also automatically maps with the included Air Music Tech virtual instruments, so artists can easily, and virtually instantly, translate their creativity into real-world results. The Smart Chord feature allows the user to play entire chords at the touch of a single key, and Smart Scale offers keyboard settings to play only the notes of the selected scale. This allows you to play in the selected scale without the risk of playing the “wrong” notes.

M-Audio Oxygen Pro Mini opens up a whole new world of possibilities for expression and creativity, and makes working with them smoother overall. A comprehensive software package is also included, so whether you’re a studio player, producer, musician more focused on live playing or composer, you have a complete set of tools for full production.
The description was translated automatically
Number of Keys: 32
Key Size: Mini
Keyboard: N/A
Keyboard Type: Semi-Weighted with Aftertouch
Keyboard Surface: Smooth
Battery Operated: No
Input Ports: Jack 6,3 mm TS – Sustain pedál
Output Ports: MIDI Out
Colour: Black
Software: Ableton Live Lite, Mini Grand, Velvet, Hybrid 3, Touch Loops, MPC Beats
USB midi: Yes
Width: 401 mm
Depth: 190 mm
Height: 60 mm
Weight: 1.2 kg
Adapter included: No

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