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درامز ياماها Yamaha DTX402K Electronic Drum Kit

29.900,00 EGP



يوفر درامز ياماها DTX402K Yamaha  لعازفي الطبول المبتدئين مجموعة أدوات للمبتدئين من شأنها تحسين مهارات وتقنيات الطبول، مع تقديم تحديات ومكافآت بديهية تعتمد على التطبيق لتشجيعهم على مواصلة اللعب.
يتميز درامز ياماها DTX402K بمكونات متينة وأصوات عالية الجودة وتشغيل بديهي، وهي متوافقة أيضًا مع تطبيق DTX402 Touch المجاني لنظامي التشغيل iOS وAndroid.

The DTX402 sounds combine years of experience creating authentic, top-quality drum sounds with 10 built-in drum kits, including acoustic effects and electronic sounds to help you find the perfect voice. You can easily create your own kits and choose from the various high-quality sounds. Give voice to your musical sensibilities with the expressive range of the DTX.

The DTX comes with 10 built-in training functions. These include the Pad Gate, Rhythm Gate Function, Fast Blast Function, and Recording function to quickly assess your skills. Take advantage of this complete range of support functions to improve your groove and expression as a drummer.

The free DTX402 TOUCH app allows any user to easily customize drum kits and take advantage of the training functions. The new challenges make practicing fun and help you quickly develop drumming skills with various genres of music. The DTX402 series also works with the Rec’n’Share app so you can practice and perform with your favorite music and quickly share on social.

Connect the module to your computer via USB, and create audio data from sounds produced in the DTX. Link the module to the DAW for music production.


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