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هيدفون Roland RH-A7 BK open-air type Monitor Headphones

السعر الأصلي هو: 3.525,00 EGP.السعر الحالي هو: 3.200,00 EGP.

The Roland RH-A7 Open-Air Headphones (Black) are a set of Open-Air Dynamic Headphones, designed especially for Digital Pianos but compatible with any other source as well. From delicate Pianissimo to forceful Fortissimo, these Headphones let you experience the complete Dynamic Range of modern Digital Pianos.
Roland RH-A7 Headphones are Lightweight and comfortable with a secure fit enabling you to wear them for extended periods of play. The Open-Air Construction lets you have a conversation without having to remove Headphones while providing high-quality Sound.

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هيدفون Roland RH-A7 BK open-air type Monitor Headphones

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